PCC Happenings
Sundays 10:30am | Wednesdays Youth 6-8pm | Thursdays Prayer 9am
- Mon. Feb. 17: PCC Volleyball Game @ 6:30p –
Everett Recreation Center.- Tues. Feb. 18: Women’s Ministry Valentine Event @ 6pm. RSVP on the bulletin board.
- Contact: Erica Yelm 865.606.1081
- Wed. Feb. 19: DivorceCare Support Group @ PCC. 6pm.
- Contact: Adrian Moeller 865.393.2896
- Thurs. Feb. 20: Creative Connections Craft Group @ PCC. 1pm.
- Contact: Jerry Smith 865.591.8186
- Sat. Feb. 22: Father/Daughter Dance @ PCC – RSVP online or on the bulletin board.
- Contact: April Mynatt 865.621.4172
- Mon. Feb. 24: PCC Volleyball Game @ 8:30p – Everett Recreation Center.
- Contact: Joey Meredith 865-805-0726
- Wed. Feb. 26: DivorceCare Support Group @ PCC. 6pm.
- Contact: Adrian Moeller 865.393.2896
- Thurs. Feb. 27: Creative Connections Craft Group @ PCC. 1pm.
- Contact: Jerry Smith 865.591.8186
- Sun. Mar. 2: PCC Youth Serving at Riverwood DisAbility Home. Meet @ PCC 4pm.
- Contact: Lee Wagenblast 619.623.4635
- Wed. Mar. 5: DivorceCare Support Group @ PCC. 6pm.
- Contact: Adrian Moeller 865.393.2896
- Thurs. Mar. 6: Creative Connections Craft Group @ PCC. 1pm.
- Contact: Jerry Smith 865.591.8186
- Sun. Mar. 9: VBS Volunteer Meeting in the Fellowship Hall after worship.
On the Church App, you can view the full calendar, join our ministry team groups, tithe, and so much more! Contact office@partnershipchurch.com